How Does Graph Data Reveal Hidden Crime Networks?
Bitnine Global Marketing team
Fri Jul 05 2024

Criminal network analysis through the lens of graph data and network science is a powerful tool for modern investigations. Integrated information on criminals and cases is vital for both domestic and international investigations. Yet, this data often exists in fragmented forms, due to privacy protections and disparate case files.
Graph data bridges these gaps, allowing for the analysis of crime-related networks by integrating heterogeneous information. This method helps investigators recognize connections and the importance of people or events more accurately and effectively.
Types of Crime Networks
Crime Networks
Event Network: Defines a node as an event and relationships between events as edges
Criminal Networks
Person Network: Extracts relationships between individuals, defining each person as a node and their connections as edges
By combining these types, we can form complex graphs that reveal higher-order interactions within criminal networks

Creating Integrated Graph Data
By transforming various data formats into a unified network, we build integrated graph data that combines information from multiple sources. This integrated network helps uncover hidden suspects and understand roles within criminal networks by reflecting all relational data between individuals and events.
Questions Addressed by Graph Data:
Who else participated in the crime besides the suspects?
What roles do individuals play within the network?
Who is the central figure in the network?
Such analysis reveals hidden correlations between crimes and offenders, aiding in efficient and effective investigations.
Benefits of Graph Data Analysis in Criminal Networks
Graph data analysis leverages existing network analysis methodologies, offering optimized services for crime detection and prevention.
For example, it can quickly identify:
The entire criminal network structure
Key individuals and their roles
Strategies to disrupt the network

Impact on Crime Prevention and Investigation:
Using graph data analysis for criminal network detection is highly beneficial for preventing and investigating crimes. It enhances the efficiency of law enforcement efforts and significantly contributes to public safety. By identifying connections between cases and suspects, graph data technology provides critical insights that help solve crimes and prevent future offenses.
E Ferrara et al., Detecting criminal organizations in mobile phone networks., Expert Systems with Applications 2014